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They Talk About Reproductive Health Instead of Abortion Because They Can't Defend Killing Babies

Democrats are basing all their elections on abortion. They play on people's emotions and hide their deadly abortion agenda behind words like "health care" … and "reproductive rights" … and "privacy" … and "choice."

They Talk About Reproductive Health Instead of Abortion Because They Can't Defend Killing Babies

Democrat campaign ads are already out there portraying their candidates as saviors of freedom while describing their pro-life opponents as extremists. You and I know that’s the exact opposite of the truth.

Democrats are basing all their elections on abortion. They play on people’s emotions and hide their deadly abortion agenda behind words like “health care” … and “reproductive rights” … and “privacy” … and “choice.”

They talk about everything except what they really stand for. And what they really stand for is the power to kill more babies in abortions … including healthy babies who are moments away from being born.

They never describe what they defend.

I’ve challenged the Democrats to come clean with the voters but they refuse to do so. And because they do Priests for Life is going to warn voters that the Democrats have a radical “abortion till birth” agenda that will destroy America.

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The problem with the Democrats is that they say they want to talk about abortion. But as soon as the topic is raised they run away from it. They talk about the woman, her health, and her life. But they never use the words blood, flesh, bones, skull, arms, legs, dismember or decapitate. They do so because they don’t want to bring any attention to the life in the womb and what abortion does to that life.

But read the medical textbooks on how abortions are done and you’ll find those words.

I’ve been saying for years that we need an honest debate about abortion.

That means we recognize that what causes Americans to be divided and ambivalent on the issue is that there are two lives at stake: the mother and the child in her womb. The debate is about how to balance the rights of those two lives.

But the Democrats eliminate one life – the one in the womb – from any consideration, make it a one-dimensional issue that involves only the mother and – voila! – problem solved.

Democrats will never admit to what abortion is, or let people see what abortion is, or describe what they defend, Priests for Life will so that Americans will know with absolute certainty that the Democrats are the Party of Death.

To do this Priests for Life is going to use their own words to expose them. For example:

  • Joe Biden during his State of the Union address earlier this year: “If you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again.”
  • Kamala Harris co-signed a letter with Biden this past January 22 in which the two proclaimed that abortion is a right we believe should be codified into law, and we pledge to defend it with every tool we possess.”
  • Democrat Party Platform states: “Democrats believe every woman should be able to access … abortion. We oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to women’s reproductive health and rights, including … protecting and codifying the right to [abortion /] reproductive freedom” (p.42).

But it’s not just words that condemn. So do their actions.

You’ll recall that immediately after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade the Democrats who controlled Congress introduced a bill our U.S. bishops rightly called “the most unjust and extreme abortion on demand bill our nation has ever seen.”

It was the Woman’s Health Protection Act. It would have made abortion-on-demand the law of the land and wiped away every state law protecting mothers and babies from abortionists like convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell.

Joe Biden was anxious to sign that diabolical bill into law. Planned Parenthood and its baby killing allies were giddy with excitement over the prospect. So were Democrat lawmakers all across the country. And but for the determination of pro-life lawmakers to use the filibuster to keep the Woman’s Health Protection Act from coming to a final vote in the Senate – a determination that you and Priests for Life did so much to instill in them – that bill would have become law.

Ever since the Democrats have promised voters that if they elect them, they will pass that bill and make it federal law for defenseless babies to be killed in abortions even up to the moment of birth.

To keep that from happening you and Priests for Life need to warn the American people that the Democrats are the Party of Death. We will brand them with the truth about their radical abortion extremism. There will be no place for them to hide.

Keep in mind that every major poll confirms that the American people OPPOSE the radical pro-abortion extremist position of the Democrats.

That’s why the Democrats NEVER tell the truth about what they intend to do to America’s unborn children. They hide what they want to do. They play on people’s emotions. But they never ever tell people what it is they will actually do once in power.

LifeNews.com Note:  Frank Pavone is the national director for Priests for Life.

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