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We Have Three Months to Save America From the Worst Abortion Extremism It Has Ever Seen

The pro-life movement has many allies in the conservative political world. Turning Point USA and the Believers' Summit made it clear that the time for collaboration and action is now more than ever.
We Have Three Months to Save America From the Worst Abortion Extremism It Has Ever Seen

It is the largest youth political movement in America, and given the implications of Elections 2024 for the pro-life movement, it is one of our movement’s best friends. I speak of Turning Point USA, which this past weekend added to its variety of conferences by holding the Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, FL.

Several pro-life groups were present and warmly welcomed, including with speaking slots. I was there on behalf of Priests for Life. Also present were Operation Save America, White Rose Resistance, and Students for Life.

President Donald J. Trump spoke on the first night, and his key theme was religious freedom. His remarks reminded all of us that if we are to have a pro-life movement at all, we have to preserve the basic freedoms our Constitution guarantees: freedom of speech, of religion, of the press, of assembly, and the right to petition the government.

Think of how much the pro-life movement relies on these to give voice to the unborn, and how the pro-abortion forces and the Democrat Party try to block us on all these fronts. President Trump again mentioned the peaceful pro-life people who are in prison, and vowed to get them out and back home with their families.

He also pointed out the extremism of the Democrats’ abortion-on-demand policy. It’s a reminder to us that among the greatest things President Trump can do for us in a second term is simply to keep these baby-killing radicals out of the White House and the federal agencies.

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The Believers’ Summit featured many passionate pro-life pastors. Bishop Aubrey Shines, for instance, gave one of the Sunday talks. He is a regular voice for the unborn both in his Tampa-based Church (where he has had me preach) and his regular national broadcasts.

A frequent topic of conversation at the Believers’ Summit, especially because it was held in Florida, was the radical pro-abortion Amendment 4, which would impose a fake right to abortion in the state’s Constitution. This battle rages in Florida, as in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.

A number of the exhibitors and individual pro-life activists were handing out helpful literature at the conference about Amendment 4 and the fact that it would take away the parental consent law as well as clinic health and safety requirements that are currently protecting women in Florida.

The pro-life movement has many allies in the conservative political world. Turning Point USA and the Believers’ Summit made it clear that the time for collaboration and action is now more than ever. We have three months to save America from the worst abortion extremism it has ever seen. Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this is an election to save the pro-life movement and America itself. Let’s double down on our efforts to do so.

LifeNews.com Note:  Frank Pavone is the national director for Priests for Life.